
Here are some nice things people have said about us

  • As a sportsperson I have enjoyed being coached by top NZ basketball and rugby coaches. I put Jimmy Braithwaite up there with NZ elite sporting coaches. He has a high IQ of his sport and domain. Then using his skills, knowledge and experience he builds you from the foundation up to be confident and connected to his sport and the horses involved.

    ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating and would recommend to anyone.

    Give Jimmy Braithwaite Horsemanship a go
  • Jimmy had us doing things on our horses that we would never of imagined would of been possible to do before this clinic. The confidence and partnerships everyone gained from his guidance and knowledge was unbelievable. Such an amazing clinic and guy!
  • What an amazing guy Jimmy is! We had a very fun and successful time building confidence and learning how to understand and move our horses. Thank you so much for coming to Takapau for our clinic Jimmy! Keen for another session sometime
  • I have the highest respect for Jim as a man and a horse whisper his teachings are priceless and the bond between me and my horse is the best, thank you horse whisper you are one in a million 🐴
  • One of the best, if not the best horsemen I have ever seen. Jimmy is natural with horses, particularly skilled with difficult ones. Most importantly he is committed to developing his knowledge and skills. He has broken in over a dozen horses for our stable and I have been delighted with the results.
  • I took my clydesdale to Jimmy, he only been broken to sled. he basically had to re teach him, he needed to learn to use his hind quarters to come under him and move forward. Also he used to put his head up and I couldn't get the bridle on. with young kids I needed him to be safe also.
    I then recently gave him a little standardbred who had the flighty brain who had only been at the stables for trotting. in two weeks he has taught her calmness and that cantering is ok!
    my horses are amazing and I dont think I would have got anywhere near the results if Jimmy hadn't started us off.
    I highly recommend Jimmy Horsemanship. great for the horse and great for rider. if you can I would attend a clinic, you will walk away having much more connecting and understanding with your horse.
    Thanks Jimmy
  • Am a Jimmy fan.... recommend for both riders and horses... love my horse that Jimmy started '
    5 stars
    I’ve known Jimmy & Hannah Brathwaite since the beginnings of my passion for
    horses and has been a great influence. This has continued onto my daughter and I
    competing. I just recently sent my 8-year-old mare that I recently bought in January.
    She was explosive and reactive, and I was on the verge of giving up on her. I train in
    dressage, and I would hold the contact and put my legs on her and she would
    become tense. Many people said she was dangerous. I picked her up and she is a
    changed horse, soft and goes off my leg. Respectful on the ground and in my space.
    Jimmy reminded me of being present and not worrying about what’s happening in
    my surroundings and most of all what other people think. Sounds so basic but hard
    to put into practise. Jimmy has a lovely way of explaining the horse psychology and
    the rider. Finding the relaxation in the horse, therefore has a natural effect on the
    rider. I recommend Jimmy and Hannah, not only in this result but all my dealings
    with Jimmy. He really is a true horseman, and you won’t come across anyone better.

    Jade Gunness
  • Iona
    Absolutely love this little horse 💕 He has taken me on such a journey…
    Can’t thank Rebecca Rapley enough for introducing us to Jimmy Braithwaite horsemanship. Absolute legends! For giving me the inner confidence to keep going and always believing in us as a partnership. Big thanks to Jimmy and Hannah for your kind hospitality, for teaching me to believe in myself, and for giving my horse the tools to be the best version of himself I knew he could be. From being reactive, pushy and explosive…. to a calm, willing, relaxed partner. Jimmy was able to educate my horse, by finding the holes in his training. It was such a turning point for both of us. My horse is relaxed, respectful and I trust him 100% and we are now going on so many adventures together.It just keeps on getting better.
  • Jimmy started a horse for me 4 years ago, and since then there has never been any doubt that he would also start my next one. I picked up Bart my 3-year-old homebred Warmblood from Jimmy a few days ago and have ridden him over some challenging terrain since. He has been given a great foundation, gives everything a go and is beautifully soft. Jimmy takes a blank canvas and gives you back a horse that wants to learn and progress.


Thank you for feedback

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Phone: 020 409 78705 - Jimmy Tolaga Bay New Zealand

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