Am a Jimmy fan.... recommend for both riders and horses... love my horse that Jimmy started '
5 stars
I’ve known Jimmy & Hannah Brathwaite since the beginnings of my passion for
horses and has been a great influence. This has continued onto my daughter and I
competing. I just recently sent my 8-year-old mare that I recently bought in January.
She was explosive and reactive, and I was on the verge of giving up on her. I train in
dressage, and I would hold the contact and put my legs on her and she would
become tense. Many people said she was dangerous. I picked her up and she is a
changed horse, soft and goes off my leg. Respectful on the ground and in my space.
Jimmy reminded me of being present and not worrying about what’s happening in
my surroundings and most of all what other people think. Sounds so basic but hard
to put into practise. Jimmy has a lovely way of explaining the horse psychology and
the rider. Finding the relaxation in the horse, therefore has a natural effect on the
rider. I recommend Jimmy and Hannah, not only in this result but all my dealings
with Jimmy. He really is a true horseman, and you won’t come across anyone better.
Jade Gunness